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Full Mooning in dreamy Pisces

It is mid-afternoon and my sense of this day is this: If you've been doing 'the work' that the Universe has delegated to you by way of 'priority mail', (that is, getting hints, intuitions, messages, perhaps shouts from the Universe or whacked over the head)... you know, stuff that needs your attention pronto, you may be experiencing the dreaminess and creative energy flowing strong today! Awesome! High fives! How are you channeling that energy? If you are feeling grouchy, irritable, stagnant and blah, you may need to move some energy! Don't fret! You are powerful and capable and CAN DO ANYTHING!!!! All things can be transformed, and even if you're feeling stuck, KNOW & TRUST that prayer, appropriate exercise, hydration and positive self talk can go a loooooooooong way! It's helpful to always be looking for and celebrating all of your wins, no matter the scale.

Aspects of our lives and energy that are needing to shift to stay in rhythm with the shifting energies of the planet, Universe and your own evolution are likely calling you out to pay attention and apply yourself to whatever is needing to shift.

Is your area of focus around health patterns and your lifestyle that support this or negate this?

Or perhaps your family dynamics and household needs are screaming for attention and restructuring.

Maybe you're strongly in need of creating a non-negotiable appointment with Spirit once/twice daily in meditation and spiritual practices.

There are many facets to life and when doing healing and growth work, it never really falls in just one category. However, it can be helpful to start with what is priority so that you can practice focusing your energy and allowing organization to come in where it is needed the most. Without question, everything else will be positively impacted as a result!

Each of us have areas of our lives that the Eclipse energies heightened and highlighted. Perhaps even more than 1. One of my favorite astrologers whom I reference for each New and Full moon gifted us a brief synopsis of how the Eclipse affected each Rising sign. (This is astrology lingo, don't fret if no comprende. If you want to get your chart read to be-in-the-know, my dear sistah Una of Bella Retreats is most excellent!).

My rising sign is in Pisces, so according to Kaypacha's report, the energy of the Eclipse affected the aspect of my chart that deals with Spirituality. Wanna hear something funny? While I was in L.A. last month at the Self Realization Fellowship world convocation (think of it as a spiritual retreat with much emphasis on meditation), I was feeling particularly fidgety one of the mornings and decided to leave the premises to get a coffee. Harmless right? How interesting that as I was about to cross the street to go off on a little adventure, 3 steps into the street and I looked up to see a police officer on a motor cycle. He turned that baby around and GAVE ME A TICKET for jaywalking!!! Wt#?!!! Honestly, my first response was of shock, disbelief and then a growing surge of livid energy. As I walked dazedly back to the hotel to seek comfort, it occurred to me that perhaps the Universe was smacking me in the face with a ticket to tell me to get my a** back to the hotel and do my spiritual work!!! Needless to say, my whole being agrees with this assessment and it has eradicated any angry energy that I had around it. It has also inspired me to be consistent and attentive to this area of my life.

In light of this FULL MOON in Pisces, I'd like to share a bit about the Liver meridian as it's the paired organ and energy channel for this astrological sign.

The Liver channel is responsible for filtering, detoxifying, nourishing, replenishing, and storing blood. It regulates the amount of blood circulating, withdrawing and storing it when resting or sleeping, and releasing during exercise. Emotionally, the Liver governs growth and development, drive and desires, ambitions and creativity. Obstruction of the Liver energy can cause intense feelings of frustration, rage, anger, resentment, depression, jealousy. When balanced, kindness, benevolence, compassion and generosity are more easily expressed.

Liver is about NEW GROWTH! It is time to grow into our potential and resolve the particles of obstacles that have stood in the way of this! Check out my YINSTAGRAM page for some of my fav yin postures that help to work with the Liver energy.

Enjoy this day and I challenge you to commit to ONE THING that needs your attention most today.

Aloha and blessings!

Full Moon Resources:

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